The Joy of Self Care & Toys
It's playtime! But what does that mean to you? Sex therapy is more than just talking about problems. It's also about finding what feels good to you—so you can have more tools for tuning your mental health and wellbeing.
Personally, I like to dress up and feel empowered in my sexiness. Sometimes putting on a mask or outfit lets me escape for a while into roleplaying another persona that doesn't share my usual struggles. Helps me relax.
In a different way, I also do small daily self-care rituals—like spending a few extra minutes in the shower with a body scrub. Or taking a nice long walk. Or deadlifting in my home gym with some wild music blasting. These things make me feel good in my body, bringing confidence and delivering a jolt of good brain chemicals like endorphin and dopamine. That way I can present my best self for sex therapy and coaching sessions—not to mention parenting and partnership.
Self care means a lot of things—meditation, tactile mindfulness, healthy diet & exercise, dedicated "me" time—but any sex therapist would tell you that self-exploration is a key element of mental health.
How exactly you pursue that deeper self-awareness is part of your personal mental health journey. But it always starts with deciding to learn more.
Too many of us grow up with inadequate education and crippling cultural constraints around self pleasure. Effectively blocking us off from a major avenue of self care. Women especially are taught to suppress their sexuality and avoid their pleasure bodies.
Which is a shame because we have the only organ whose sole function is pleasure.
Read more about sex-positive self-care and learn to know yourself a little better.