Navigating polyamory?
Struggling with jealousy?
Opening a relationship?
Hoping to explore play options?
I was 100% sure we were about to break up, but Valerie guided us through some difficult conversations we were afraid to have on our own...and thru a few really powerful sessions we were able to reconcile and start working on rebuilding our connection in ways we'd never think of.
— RL
Hi I'm Valerie
I help people talk about sex
As a sex therapist licensed in Virginia, I help people work through trauma, attachment, performance anxiety, and other issues that affect human sexuality.
As a poly-informed relationship coach, I help people navigate the trickier parts of consensual non-monogamy and learn about the possibilities, ethics, and challenges unique to the lifestyle.
Whatever you're dealing with—you're not alone
During this free consultation call, we'll talk about what you're hoping to accomplish, your experience so far, and where your head is on all this.
I'll fill you in on my process and experience, explain how coaching works, and answer any questions you have.
If it seems like a good fit, we'll come up with a plan together. This may include communication exercises, journaling, guided self-inquiry, and various therapy modalities that fit your needs.
And that's where the fun begins...
Each week we'll talk about your progress and adjust our plan accordingly. This is your path. I just help you map it out.